Really creaky BB

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Proud Daddy
My ride today, whilst being highly enjoyable was a noisy one.

My BB on the felt is creaking massively under load, and clicking with normal pressure. I've stripped out, regreased as much as I can and checked crank arm bolts, but no change.

I'll take it back to the LBS tomorrow as it'll be under warranty but wouldn't mind knowing a bit before hand. can bearings go that fast? (1280 miles) I keep everything clean and am a fastidious maintainer.

Oh, there doesn't seem to be any play and I've ruled out all the normal checks like pedals and transmitted noises. So I'm 100% it's the BB.


Über Member
I'm currently having the same issue, but only when standing up and powering on the pedals - so mostly going up hills. Is yours a square taper BB? I've heard that a worn square taper on the cranks/BB can cause creaking..
I had (apparently) the same problem. I was also convinced it was the BB - but not having the tools I needed to strip it I eliminated everything else first.

I'm also a bit fanatical about a clean chain, and I think it was too clean.....added more and more oil (but still Mickle Method and clean chainplates), and eventually all apparent BB noises have gone. Defy 2.5 now swishes along again. Not a click or creak to be heard. I now think that you need more oil than I'd previously thought.


Proud Daddy
Wow amazing service from cyclepaths in Poole dolphin centre. Mechanics got in at 9.. They rang me at 10.30 saying they're replaced the BB under warranty and it was ready to collect. :bicycle:

Silky smooth ride home :smile: bought some nice altura pro-gel summer gloves while I was in there :smile: hope I don't jinx the weather!!
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