Rattling/creaking rear brake cable outer

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I have a Boardman Team Carbon and it has concealed cables, all well and good and looks nice.
But where the rear brake cable enters the frame on the top tube it creaks and rattles a bit, it's really noticeable when turning the bars and when hitting a bump/pothole and I seem to hit a lot of those these days. It seems to be where the outer fits into the frame.

Has anyone had a similar problem and resolved it?

I like to have silence whan I'n riding and squeaks, creaks, rattles and the like really tend to pee me off, sad I know. ^_^ must be an age thing!


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
Exactly the reason I didn't buy a Rose bike. I'd read about rattling internal cables and asked them could they guarantee zero rattle. They replied no!

Cube had a similar problem with some of their road bikes and came up with a retro a retro fix - I have no idea what it was though - sorry.

Can you dis-assemble and slide some rubber doughnuts down the cable?


Nothing to do with getting older either - that would drive me insane.

Good luck with a fix.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Some frames dont use guided as it saves weight. The onky thing might be a Gore cable replacement as the inners run in a thin sheeth that runs the entire length. May stop rattle.

Steve Saunders

Active Member
Dundee, Scotland
I have a BeOne Diablo Race, with internal cable routing and the rear brake cable has been rattling in the frame recently, very VERY annoying. My frame doesn't have an internal tube, and the outer runs the full length from the shifter to the brake calliper. I removed the small "plug" port on the top tube (makes it easier to fish out the cable) and removed the full cable (partially removed bar tape too). I then slid a number of Jagwire rubber doughnuts over the cable outer evenly over the section that goes inside the top-tube. Refitted everything and there isn't a peep now ... well maybe ever so slightly if you listen realy really hard.
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