Yep it’s the same when it comes to a project cutting the money spent on the tools required to support what they are lobbing over the wall. When their enormous pile of shoot explodes in production the support and operations teams give a Gallic shrug as they haven’t got the necessary tools to fix it in any meaningful way.
I am reminded of the time I was part of a team transferring manufacture of a piece of very complex test equipment from the main facory in Eningen (near Reutlingen,
@Andy in Germany ) to the Plymouth plant. Naturally, the company had used a lot of its own test equipment, and there was not much of it in the wild, and they would not let us have what they had been using themselves, because it was also used for other stuff.
Found one of the missing peices on-line for about 10 grand, and it was absolutely refused on cost grounds. Checked with the guys back in Eningen about how crucial this was. 100%. Given that there was this zero alternative, I took my head in my hands and went to the head of Production and siad, " You either buy me this, or you are not building this kit here. What's it going to be?"
I got the kit.
But that was weeks of stress over what was, really, pocket change.