Raleigh Randonneur serial number

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New Member
this is my first post to the forum, so apologies if it in the wrong place.

I inherited a Randonneur from my father in law without really understanding what a good bike it is to ride - I recently took it out on the Birmingham Palace to Palace charity ride - 45 miles and I felt fresh as a daisy afterward. After a conversation in work (with the people with whom I did the ride) I thought I'd find out a bit more about it, but so far t'interweb has not thrown up anything useful - I was hoping you could help.

The bike has a blue 501 frame with the appropriate decals and stamps on it, but the serial number is G29125 - this doesn't seem to be a standard number as the only one that is close seems to imply it was a 1972 frame, but it should only have four digits and the sites such as RetroRaleighs suggest that this numbering only applies to 531 frames.

As it was my late father in law's treasured bike I'd really like to know more about it.



Well-Known Member
80s Randonneurs were made from 531 tubes not 501 and later ones were were 708. They were lovely bikes, I still have one. They also made a Royal withe the same frame set but lesser components. Can't get to it at the moment but will look up the serial no. if it helps.
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