Radio track to music video - mind blown videos!

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Just heard Red Hot Chilli Peppers Dani California on the radio so googled the origins, history and story in the track. That led me to details on the video which I really had to watch. WOW! That video really amused me.

In case you don't know it, Red Hot Chilli Peppers basically dress up as bands from throughout the modern music history from Elvis with the wobbly hip to themselves. You saw rockabilly / rock n roll through english invasion, glam, funk, Punk, grunge and goth. If you watch it can you reckonise the bands they are semi ripping off the style from? It is a song I really like and tend to get caught up in the song but watching the video for the first time I realised I just didn't hear the song I was too busy im the video. A fail as a video to support the song but it was a fun one.

So have you ever listened to a decent track on the radio then found the video to overwhelm the actual track due to it taking your interest? Come on, let's hear your wow moment videos. It could be the quality or just a WTF moment as I guess this was. What made the video for you? Just a bit of fun.


Legendary Member
Peter Gabriel did a few but for me Talking Heads 'Stop Making Sense' has to be the ultimate music video


Early Retirement Planning
I must admit to finding more "new" music (at least to me) on YouTube than anywhere these days. Always knew about Rush for example but only Spirit of Radio, saw some vids, now one of my faves.
Cyndi Lauper - Goonies 'R' Good Enough

Now most people of a certain age know the film The Goonies, and perhaps they might also know Cyndi Lauper had a lot of crossover with the then WWF in the 1980s, but have they seen the full 12 minute version of the music video?

It features many WWF wrestlers, some of the cast of The Goonies and many appearences by Steven Spielberg. Oh and try and spot a young The Bangles as a set of pirates lol Lots of scenes shot special for the video, including loads with the wrestlers who aren't in the film. The video is essentially a mini version of the film with the need to find the treasure to save the docks replaced with saving Cyndi's Gas Station.

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