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Legendary Member
More food advice needed please :smile:.

I've rediscovered Quinoa and want more info on how to use it. I've sprouted it and make a salad with it no problem but how long can I keep it in the fridge once it's prepared?

I'd like to make a pan of it on Sunday sometimes and eat it throughout the week. How many days can I keep it?

I've found loads of recipes but not that info :smile:.


Smutmaster General
wot is it?

OK, just wiki'd it


Sorry, no recipes from me.

I've tried to do something with it a few times but not found anything that made me want to make it a regular part of my diet.

Shame, because it's a real super food. Good source of protein.
"Keen-wa!" - eat tons of the stuff. (good for the brain apparently, but there's always the exception that proves the etc...:headshake:)
I'll dig out a recipe Longers - I fancy making a sort of burger 'thing' from it perhaps, or a savoury 'flapjack'...now there's an idea :evil:


Legendary Member
Thanks 'Teef. That'd be great.

You can make an awful lot of things with it and possibly a lot of awful things too.

I reckon Flying Monkey has got some good recipes for it.
errmmm, have it occasionally. Half rice, half quinoa, onion, peas and sweetcorn, cook as normal together and serve with chicken breast and roasted veg. Healthy, tasty and simple.
I asked SWOMBO and she tells me that the butternut squash recipe is here.
Extra chilli for me, but I like all that stuff - good fuel as I don't choose to eat animals etc...
I'm definitely trying a keenwa flapjackrussell. Or omelette.
Looking forward to Volume One of "The Longers and the Short of Quinoia Quookery" - with book mark! :evil:

Edited out the red i :evil:
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