Quill Pedal Tools

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Well-Known Member
South Yorkshire
I have a bunch of 'vintage' quill pedals which need stripping, cleaning and lubing.
These vary...eg. HoldsworthAllez to Lyotard to VP.

Are there special tools required for removing/re-fitting and adjusting the retaining cone/nut assemblies?
Due to the varied designs and shapes, direct access is sometimes shrouded by the outer plate of the unit.
Some can be removed, but others are cast in situ, shrouding the cone/nuts, which are often recessed, making it difficult to use normal tools.

Also, grease or oil for the bearings?

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Soft grease is best for the bearings. If you can't dismantle the pedal then you might be able to introduce oil via the inside bearing where the spindle exits - hold the spindle and spin the pedal body while adding oil slowly. One piece quills are cheaper manufacture and possibly not worth too much work.
I've only ever used a combination of offset ring spanners and small sockets to adjust the bearings. It can be fiddly.
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Various spanners are ok for the cup and cones, it’s the cap covering them that can be a problem. Often multiple splines and plastic !


Well-Known Member
South Yorkshire
Hi Ian.
Yes I've done the dribbling oil inside the 'open' end, using straight 40 motor oil.
That should be adequate once a year.
Today I stripped and rebuilt a pair of the Allez pedals with success, using lithium grease; spin like new now.

Managed the above with a spanner and thin screwdriver.
Whatever the plastic end caps, I've found they all pop out with careful persuasion as they are just push in, none of the ones I have are threaded.

Thanks for the feedback, guys. I'm a lot more confident now.
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