pulling muscles

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I have until recently not really had an issue with pulling muscles. However, lately I seem to be doing it a lot.

For instance last night I was a good 7 miles into my commute home and I pulled one in my knee
A couple of weeks back I did my lower back after returning from a ride. I was actually on the settee at the time.

Now I will admit that I don't warm up in the traditional sense. I just take it easy for the first three miles and I am usually too knackered to do anything too energetic in the last five anyway. This lack of routine hasn't really changed in two decades.

Any thoughts
It's called getting old!

I hate warm ups and warm downs but the muscles do start to lose their elasticity with age.

Fiona N

Start off gently and stretch when you finish (at least when you get home) - saves a lot of grief.

BTW when you say 'pulling a muscle' do you mean a momentary localised pain (a twinge) or several days (or longer) of localised soreness more than ordinary stiffness? It's just that pulling a muscle in your knee sounds rather odd for a muscle and more like a ligament twinge. Either way - warm up & then a cool-down with stretching will help
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