Protecting a bike on a roof carrier

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Über Member
Somerset, UK
I've been wondering about the best way to protect my bike's frame whilst it's on the roof of my car. Quite often people recommend foam pipe lagging, and I grabbed some of this to try. However, it isn't very wide so splits after some use.

I've read that some people use old bike inner tubes - anyone ever given this a go?
Pipe lagging comes in different thicknesses and for different diameters of tubing - if you found one which fits your frame better it might not be so prone to failure. Most DIY sheds have a limited range - go to a big plumber's merchant.

What do you want to protect it from?

Have you encountered/considered 'helicopter tape'?


New Member
East Barnet
Cheaper to get lagging from B&Q, which will be the foam stuff but i would go for lagging call armaflex which is more flexible but more expensive.



Über Member
Somerset, UK
[QUOTE 1390334"]
What do you want to protect it from?

That's a very good question.

Roof carriers have a bumpy plastic grip to hold onto the bike. It has a habit of rubbing the frame. It wasn't as big a deal on my Carrera mountain bike but I'm a bit more protective of my Trek....
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