Progress - Shoulder and Pain

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Finally got the Pain Consultant's report - all 20 odd pages via my Solicitor. This should be the last specialist report needed (3 years since the accident).

Mechanically - no more surgery needed. Mechanical pain wil reduce over time (11 months since op).

Nerve and muscle pain (chronic) - looks as though this is down to myofasical pain - numerous trigger points in my back, shoulder and neck - as picked up by my physio and acupuncturist as well.

Treatment - injections to affected muscles (I don't like) :wacko:, followed up by physio and acupuncture. 12 months for a 50% improvement, 3 years for 75% improvement, but with 25% being permanent - i.e. on-going niggles.

Cycling can be built back up - progress will be slow.Lifting heavy weights will be a problem !

Speaking to the solicitor this afternoon to discuss getting an on-going treatment plan agreed with third party insurers - hopefully I'll get this ASAP now (4 month since my last report).

What a 'flippin' mess !
Feel for you fossy as I too have a shoulder injury from about 4 years ago after going through the back of a car. It is a lot better now and doesn't affect my cycling but I still can't stretch my arm above my head for more than a couple of minutes. Best advice with hindsight I could give is to swim as much as you can, don't let too much scar tissue build up, good luck.


Cycling Excusiast
Foss, I hope you get your treatment plan sorted mate. I really do feel for you and hope it improves as much as it can.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Well, it's still not happening. Solicitor needs to go back to Specialist to ascertain exactly how much treatment I'll need - e.g. weekly for a year, once a month for next two and once in a blue moon after ? Who knows. He didn't specify, and we can't get any further. Looks like the only way forward is get the 'figures', get a value (£) and settle. Can't seem to get an agreement of say a few months on a treatment plan whilst the legals are being sorted.

Still seeing a physio privately when I can fit appointments in, and have had positive results from the acupuncturist, but she's off at the moment ! Don't want to be shopping about with physio's/acupuncture as it all needs to be done in the same practice to monitor results.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
FFS - NHS Pain Consultant wants me to take pregabalin for a few weeks to dull the nerve pain - he'll then inject my trigger points with steroids. Sent a ranting email to solicitor to get this all sorted out ! NHS will not let me have physio as I've got good movement.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Feel for you fossy as I too have a shoulder injury from about 4 years ago after going through the back of a car.
I also have an injured shoulder so I feel your pain! Mine was so bad at first that I struggled to put my arm over my guitar or into a shirt sleeve. It's not bad most of the time now but certain things can trigger the pain and stiffness off so I have to be careful.

I hope you get to that 75% recovery point (and hopefully better than that) as quickly and painlessly as possible.
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