Programme about screenwriting on BBC4 last night

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One of those times I was idly channel hopping and came on this by accident. It had Charlie Brooker (of 'Screen Burn' fame who was remarkeably restrained) interviewing various TV screenwriters including Russell T Davies and Paul Abbott. Really good, interesting and funny stuff. Anyone else see it?


Legendary Member
No, but I do find it annoying that the BBC don't allow joe public to pitch ideas to them


Indeed. I always watch Herr Brooker - I like humorous curmudgeons - but really enjoyed this 'straight' special.

Some fascinating stuff. I liked the scouser who became a writer for EastEnders ('this episode was actually written by a genuine East End barrowboy'), and the Irish guy who wrote Black Book and the IT Crowd - 'writing is like having a poo. You absorb and absorb and absorb stuff and eventually it just has to come out.' Perhaps most interesting, the differences: some plot, some wing it; some agonise over names, some just decide on 'Steve', and that's that. Excellent.
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