Professional Bike Fit

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Active Member
Hi, I have had a bit of knee trouble for a while,which i have previously asked about and have now decided a professional bike fit is the way to go

I have now narrowed it down to these two, have any of you had experience with these as cost is similar but one seems

a lot more, hi tech (Bike science) and the other done by a ex tour de France rider (cadence sport)... .uk/

All advice appreciated.....



I know my son went to Adrian, he was well impressed. The fit was extremely good, my son has been racing 20+ years and has found the little tweeks to have been worth the money. As for the insoles he says they are the best thing since sliced bread, he has tried many different types of shoes the last pair costing £265 and insists the insoles have made a big difference to both knee and foot comfort.

Fiona N

I've not had fits by either of the ones you name but I've previously had a fit from Cyclefit in London (high tech variety) and Paul Hewitt in Leyland, closer to home, and that was much more by 'experienced eye'. The objectives were different but I have to say in terms of comfort on the bike, Hewitt's couldn't be beaten. I do think it depends what you want - I wouldn't have gone to Hewitt's for insoles which I got from Cyclefit but Cyclefit helped me understand what a problem with performance was. So I'd suggest you factor that sort of consideration into your decision.

I should have added that I have fairly major back problems which put me off the bike completely for 5 years. Hewitt's set up my new bike when I started riding again.
Hi, I have had a bit of knee trouble for a while,which i have previously asked about and have now decided a professional bike fit is the way to go

I have now narrowed it down to these two, have any of you had experience with these as cost is similar but one seems

a lot more, hi tech (Bike science) and the other done by a ex tour de France rider (cadence sport)... .uk/

All advice appreciated.....


In addition to whatever bike fit you have Steve Hogg's bike fitting blog may provide you with some useful information. It may be help you decide which one to go for or discuss some of it with them when you are there. I think he is very very good. Link here He welcomes questions and has replied to mine within 24-36 hours.


I cant advise as I have not had a bike fit. Due to a problem with me knees I am considering one and having searched the forums cadencesport do seem to get very good reviews. So if I dio do go for one that will be who I use. Not decided yet though as clearly not a cheap option.


Well-Known Member
Have treated myself and booked in for a bike fit in November. Could only find one place reasonably close to where I live and they do a SICI pro-bike fit. Looking forward to it and hopefully I'll find it useful. Am taking my existing bike, rather than be fitted for a new one, and having rode it with the current set up for a while now it will be interesting as to what they recommend.
I had a fit in a gig (or whatever its called) and size wise I think my bikes are well set up. I could probably do however, with getting a more detailed fit which looks at my actual cleat alignment and pedalling style.

Edit: this is the one I'd done (scroll down)


Well-Known Member
Following up on this thread, I went for a bike fit (SICI) session today. Was impressed by the detail and thoroughness involved. Made some pretty major changes to my bike's set up. I've been riding my Allez for a couple of years now and, with all the tweaks I've made in that time, I didn't expect any major changes. However, added some wedges to my shoes to level out my feet; saddle went up a fair bit, and generally everything went back a little including a much shorter stem (that added to the cost!) From a test spin outside the shop it felt pretty good afterwards, and when comparing the new fit against my bike before it had been adjusted, the difference shocked me in that my old set up felt ridiculously 'scrunched' up. Time will tell if it proves to be money well spent but my instinct is that it will prove worthwhile. Only slight concern was a litle pain on one knee. We played around with and without the wedges and eventually agreed to go with just one in that shoe but monitor it carefully (if felt good on the jig and possibly just an achey knee from an hour on the spin bike yesterday). Just need to find some time to go for a spin and test the new set up.
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