pro race3 vs conti gp4000

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Über Member
North Scotland
any one used both of these tyres. i useualy have pro race3s on the summer bike bbut would like to know if the contis give as nice a ride, and is ther an advantage to getting the contis over the race3. TIA


Nr Cambridge
YMMV... Technically the Pro 3 Race was one of the best clinchers on the market (the new Pro 4 line is in place but there's not much data on how well they roll, grip, etc) in it's segment & superior to the GP 4000. However some riders will prefer the GP 4000 for non-data quantifiable reasons.


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
YMMV... Technically the Pro 3 Race was one of the best clinchers on the market (the new Pro 4 line is in place but there's not much data on how well they roll, grip, etc) in it's segment & superior to the GP 4000. However some riders will prefer the GP 4000 for non-data quantifiable reasons.
- like they don't cut up so readily?


Nr Cambridge
They may not look as pristine after 4000 miles but I found P3R to deliver about the same number miles between punctures as GP4000 tyres. I was more thinking of people preferring the 'feel' of Conti tyres to the Michelins, as I said YMMV. :thumbsup:
I've had GP4000s's on my summer bike for a few years and never had a problem (the only p'ture they've had was on the day of the 1000+ carpet tack on the Etape Caledonia). My brother a wee bit heavier than me has had lots of p'tures with his. I got good p'ture free life out of my 4season tyres too. Different beasts but my conti contacts (37mm town tyres) also performed admirably, 8500 miles one front and one rear p'ture (the front is now the back and is still going). At the other end of the road tyre scale, My Bianchi came with a wired GP's great tyres and the front ended up on my Kinesis front then rear and iirc got circa 7900 miles before a p'ture and got retired at 9600 (without any further events). I went for the newer version of the tyres and suffered from quite a few p'tures, although most were pinch and I put that down to 22mm front, the rear were 24mm. All four tyres failed early in the same way (well before the wear indicator disappeared, the longest lasting got just 1200 miles), ripped sidewall. IMO conti have concentrated too much with the tread p'ture protection with the new GPs and forgot about the sidewalls.
Hearsay, but I was talking to a mate in the club last night about the Pro 3, I was thinking about getting them as a replacement. His review was they are great grippy tyres (do everything they say on the tin there) but they cut up a bit.
To sum my ramblings up :blush: I used to be a conti fan had great p'ture free wearout of them until the last 4 base GP's and I'm looking around for something new; I looked at Pro Grip 3's but am worried they'll cut up a bit (especially before we get to summer); I think I'm going to order Krylion's.
I have used both and you can see the wear rates data here and I wrote up my thoughts on the Michelin ProRace 3 here. I don't race so my use is more from an Audax perspective but reflecting back on them I would say there where a more supple ride than the Continental GP4000s.

My comment on them was ...

Handling has been good. I am know racer or expert on tyre handling but I have felt confident with his tyre; it has not felt like letting go in bother dry road and wet road riding and really I can’t ask for more. It feels like it rolls good. I tend to run it at around 115 PSI which is just below the recommend 116 PSI and that seems to be working okay for me.

All that said I have decided to stick with the Continental GP4000s as they are better allround tyre for my riding.

Hope this helps.



Nr Cambridge
Conti GP4000 in plural or Conti GP4000S ? They're very different tyres ;)


Über Member
North Scotland
Thanks for the info guys, but as to the ride does anyone have an opinion as to whether the contis are as good as the pro race 3s.
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