Prevarication conquered :)

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Well-Known Member
So I bought this bike, and the gear to go with it, and an action cam, and gadgets to play with... but it seemed like I was putting off actually riding the thing!

I haven't ridden a bike since 1987, so a very long time indeed. I decided that for my 56th birthday, I would get fitter and lose a bit of weight; a bike seemed the perfect tool, and it had the added bonus of a social element (this site, clubs, etc). I spent an age researching (and sitting on) bikes and eventually plumped for the Giant Escape City. To be honest I didn't really know what I want so a hybrid, albeit a road-orientated one, seemed a good compromise.

From when the bike was delivered, until today, it has rained a fair bit. Not torrents, but enough to put me off getting out for a ride. However, after 3 days of this, I realised that I was putting off going for a ride because I was nervous. So today I bit the bullet, put on my gear and went for a ride....

I live near a river so there is a towpath that goes on, seemingly, for miles. I decided to use this for my first trip out as I wasn't confident enough to go on the road right away. I think I made the right decision there, as I was quite wobbly to start with (surprisingly so!) and I found myself trying to figure out gears and stuff.

... anyway, long story short I did 8.6 miles along the towpath, from Sawbridgeworth to Harlow and back. Some of it was more MTB territory I swear, but I did it without running anyone over or riding into the river Stort.

And I loved it!

My backside was a bit sore, as were my wrists (even though I had bought padded undershorts and gloves) and my average speed was quite low (according to Map My Ride), but 1 hour 23 minutes after wobbling out of my flat, I returned home with a little glint of triumph in my eye.

I can't wait to go out again tomorrow, along the same route, especially as I learned some valuable lessons during my first ride in nearly 30 years...

1. Close your mouth when riding along wooded towpaths! Insects seem to be attracted to the sight of an open gob.
2. When ducking for branches, don't forget to make allowances for your helmet, otherwise you are in danger of being plucked off your bike!
3. Smile and say hello to everyone you pass. I was surprised how many scowling faces turned to smiles when I greeted them.

But the main thing learned, was to stop prevaricating and just go out and do it!


I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Excellent, well done and glad you enjoyed it. Be warned, it is addictive.

If you want to stop bumping your helmet on low branches then maybe don't wear one, works for me :okay:


Good job :smile:

The sore bum thing always happens at first, it'll soon get used to it. Sore wrists = you're gripping too tight, relax those fingers ;)


Well-Known Member
2nd day, 2nd ride out. I decided to turn right towards Bishop's Stortford rather than left toward Harlow (along the river Stort towpatfh). The going was *much* harder than yesterday, with the towpath consisting of mainly grass with a little dirt line where previous bikes had gone. I almost turned back but kept going, even if I did have some concerns for the bike over some particularly bumpy sections. I carried on though and despite doing almost 2 miles less than yesterday managed to stay above my 5 miles a day target for the first week (6.46 today, 8.36 yesterday).

I did without the helmet today as I was going nowhere near a road and it felt a lot easier (I also found myself looking further ahead but that might just be me slowly getting used to the bike). I tried gripping a little less harshly too, which seemed to help a little. I think I'm still tensed up though.

My backside was very tender when I set off, but it almost-but-not-quite got better as I progressed :smile:


Well-Known Member
Good for you!
Just in case you didn't know there's a very nice Giant shop in Harlow. I live in Cheshunt and have cycled to Roydon along the towpath and I think I prefer doing that to riding on the road (although the stones and straying dogs etc can be frustrating). As with many things the most important thing is just to start - don't worry about how fast you are, it's more important to enjoy it.


World class procrastinator
Well done. Your bum will toughen up. Honestly it will, takes about a week.
Happy riding :bicycle:


Über Member
Don't worry about the bike - unless it is some sort of extreme road race jobby it should be fine [my Dawes has no problems at all with the bridleways etc I often use] just look where you are going. Any how have fun.


Well-Known Member
I missed a couple of days riding as I was visiting family, but decided t make up for it, and try and achieve a personal goal, by cycling to a friend's house and back, total of 28 miles according to Google.

It was all towpaths, and included a bit of National Cycle Route 61. It took a fair while, but I managed it

I wasn't looking forward to getting back on the bike, simply because the saddle-soreness seemed to be very bad. I spent an hour or so adjusting the saddle height, which made a huge difference, and although I can feel I've been on a bike for 4 hours, it's a 'normal' numbness and not the very painful sensation I've been experiencing. It was a real revelation how such a simple adjustment could help so much (of course I could be just getting used to it!).

All in all I'm very pleased with my first week, and hope to reach another goal, that of 100 miles in 3 weeks, sooner rather than later :smile:

Thanks for all the advice and encouragement, it's very much appreciated.
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