Never had an issue with the website - works flawlessly for me. Select item > find size > select buy > go to basket > checkout with Paypal. Can't really see what the issue is. And they are one of the quickest to deliver IME - nearly always the next day.
And I strongly disagree that their stuff is sub-standard. Funny that you're so quick to take as gospel the word of one guy.
Select item and size in search on the left > done - picture of item is on the screen > find size ? select buy ? go to basket ? it's as clear as mud for me. there are none of these other options after I've clicked on the item I want.
Never bought from them (obviously) and for me the site isn't straight forward and why wouldn't I take the advice of one guy who said he's bought stuff from there - he has, I haven't, I'm a trusting kinda guy and he helped save me £150 as I deliberated whether it was worth scratching my head on how to order their stuff for over 30 minutes.
Sorry if it seems funny but I just wanted to order some stuff. I've got better things to do than spend half my life working out how to use a daft web site and then collate and decipher the opinions of a sample of however many people you might think I should use to justify my conclusions.
I'm not clever enough to use their website and I trusted someone who said he had used it - I'll just go somewhere else.