Power meters

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I am considering getting a power meter
I know I could really do with n+1 but I am following my own training plan and still improving and think this would be helped by using power meter

I would prefer pedal based to help transfer to other bike.
Also I would have to get new crankset to have one that would take eg Stages.

So choice is between Garmin Vector 2S, be Pro, or POwer Tap
I am largely cost driven so be Pro looks most attractive.
Even their double sided looks about the same price as single sided Garmin Vector.

THink I want some input from others out there What do you think - or use?


Über Member
I use the Stages crank based system. I wouldn't discount using this system as it takes 5 mins to swap over. *Just read your other reason not to go for stages.

Being honest, I have no regrets about buying mine but I'm just not dedicated enough to using it properly to get the maximum out of it. I think to get proper use out of one you'll need to learn a lot and spend a lot of time analysing data. Personally if I decided to commit fully to being as good as I possibly could be I'd stump up the cost of getting a coach.

However, I've done a couple of hill climbs and found it to be very useful. After a few months of using one you'll get a rough idea what you can hold for how long and really use it to your advantage. Starting out at 600w for the first 30s of a hill climb is definitely not a good idea and very easy to do with the adrenalin pumping.

Also good for TT type efforts, real handy knowing what you can do and pace properly.

For me, the main benefit is the pacing advantage for sure, I just don't understand the data well enough to fully train properly with it, but I do try and I am improving. Weather this improvement is down to the power meter, i wouldn't like to say.

I also find that it makes turbo work bearable as you actually have something to work to rather than stearing at a wall turning pedals with no real idea what your doing.

If your curious about getting one, don't have to go into debt to get one then try it out. I'm not fully using mine to its potential but I have no regrets about buying one whatsoever.


I have the Power Tap pedals and they are superb, the swappability is a massive plus for me. I use them on the (two) commute bikes when I have the need, simply taking them off when I park the bike with an 8mm allen key and putting them on afterwards. The calibration (with my Garmin gps) is a doddle.

If I didn't have this my use of a power meter would be short lived.


Banned member
South West
I've never used a power meter but I would like to. For me it seems like the main advantage is that it takes the guess work out of pacing an effort, which in turn should result in quicker times.


Well this was my thinking, when you are doing intervals, it takes a long while for the heart rate to come up, power gives you that right away. I had seen the benefit on my turbo - even though I didn't always trust the figures.

I have ordered Garmin Vector 2S one sided pedal. It will be easy to transfer over to another bike if I get one at any stage

And it should help with time trials, though at this stage I have only done one - a 25 mile one
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