Looking to buy a power meter. I want a left hand crank version as they seem to be cheapest (apart from power pod) and i am looking at 3:
Stages: £460
4iii: $399 - Don't know if they ship to UK (I have asked, awaiting on reply)
Pioneer: £439 (Is this compatible with Garmins?)
Does anyone have any experience of the above or can answer the questions in brackets?
Looking to buy a power meter. I want a left hand crank version as they seem to be cheapest (apart from power pod) and i am looking at 3:
Stages: £460
4iii: $399 - Don't know if they ship to UK (I have asked, awaiting on reply)
Pioneer: £439 (Is this compatible with Garmins?)
Does anyone have any experience of the above or can answer the questions in brackets?