New Member
I was fine with clipless but for some reason this year i was experiencing increasingly severe pain in the balls of my feet after an hour maximum cycling (not particularly vigourous either), which i thought was a circulation thing... painful enough to have to stop and rest for a good while ; certainly my clipless pedal / shoe set up felt kind of restrictive, so i thought ' i need some looser, softer shoes'
So i thought these power grip things might be ideal and would allow me to use kinder shoes whilst retaining some of the benefits of clipless (upward lift + not slipping off the pedals in wet weather)
Got a pair of (karrimor) shoes, sort of a cross between a trainer and a walking shoe with a bit of a knobbly grip to hang on to the pedals a bit, and i fitted the power grips and my old 'ordinary' pedals (hybrid bike)
well, i'm not getting the pain, or at least its only a mild ache but only after a longer duration, nothing too worrying beyond normal 40 yr old knackeredness. Its a releif as i thought there might be something more serious which might curtail my cycling.
The downside is that the power grips arent as easy to slide your foot into as clipless, because the weight of the grip swings the pedal upside down. And ironically i had my first fall - stopped to answer my phone (foolishly forgot to switch it off to avoid wife and teenage daughter botheration), couldnt get my right foot out of the strap quick enough - over i went - BANG....
Oh well, i think its going to be worth getting used to because the pain was getting worse and i had increasingly long rides in mind.
So i thought these power grip things might be ideal and would allow me to use kinder shoes whilst retaining some of the benefits of clipless (upward lift + not slipping off the pedals in wet weather)
Got a pair of (karrimor) shoes, sort of a cross between a trainer and a walking shoe with a bit of a knobbly grip to hang on to the pedals a bit, and i fitted the power grips and my old 'ordinary' pedals (hybrid bike)
well, i'm not getting the pain, or at least its only a mild ache but only after a longer duration, nothing too worrying beyond normal 40 yr old knackeredness. Its a releif as i thought there might be something more serious which might curtail my cycling.
The downside is that the power grips arent as easy to slide your foot into as clipless, because the weight of the grip swings the pedal upside down. And ironically i had my first fall - stopped to answer my phone (foolishly forgot to switch it off to avoid wife and teenage daughter botheration), couldnt get my right foot out of the strap quick enough - over i went - BANG....
Oh well, i think its going to be worth getting used to because the pain was getting worse and i had increasingly long rides in mind.