Posting drop bars

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Having a clear out, I have a 2-3 of sets of drops I want to stick on eBay. Has anyone got any experience of posting em? Rather than boxing, I was thinking of wrapping em in pipelagging and taping up. Not sure if I'd still get stung on the postage with the wierd shape.

It's mainly a pair of Nitton Radonneur and Soma Highway bars. They're probably only worth about 20quid new, so don't really want P&P costs to eat in the final bidding price.

(yeah know this is small change, coming up to Christmas it's all getting a bit tight !)


Active Member
Because of the wierd shape I supect that Royal Mail will charge a ridiculous amount. I sell a fair amount of drum and music stuff on eBay and most of it is a pretty wierd shape! I've given up using Royal Mail and have switched to MyHermes. As long as you can weigh the item yourself (kitchen scales will do) you can pay for the postage online, arrange for them to collect it from your day and track it all the way to its destination for around half what Royal Mail / Parcelforce will charge.

I've sent around 50 items with them and haven't had an issue with any of them. Even an item that was over their maximum permitted length still got delivered.


Cheers for that! I got hammered by Royal Mail recently posting a bottle of wine - over 8quid, either 2nd or 1st class, only a few pence difference.

The thing that may be a problem for me is pickup from work. I do need to post some other odd stuff too, so the link will be useful sooner or later.

/edit doh nm about the the work pickup, just reading up on the drop off points.


Active Member
No problem - I haven't done it, but I understand that's it's possible to drop the item off at a Premier or (I think) Nisa convenience store so if there's one on your way to/from work that might be an option.

Oh, and wine is for drinking, not posting ;-)


Legendary Member
when i sold a pair I just wrapped up up in a thick plastic bag and stuck a label on. cardboard box would also be fine. these are robust / strong items so we're not talking crockery after all.


Legendary Member
I Just wrapped some in two jiffy bags - one over either end and then the join taped round after wrapping in bubble. Not elegant but effective. I think the post was around £7. Collect+ do for under a fiver if under 2kg and certain size...and you can get a pound back from quidco. lots fo shops to drop at, easier than the PO frankly


kk cheers all. I'll just have to wrap em up and get a quote. I notice, there's a MyHermes pickup at the bottom of the road.
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