Posting a parcel to USA

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Hi, I am having difficulty trying to source a delivery service to delivery a large parcel to California.
The parcel is 2 metres long by 0.5 wide by 20cms high and weighs 10kg. Does anyone know of anyone.
Thanks. Geoff.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
How about UPS. They are an american company after all and I know they operate in the UK.


I just thought I would let you all know of the outcome of the posting a parcel to the USA, California to be precise.

As I said previously said I found that it would be easier for him to arrange for the collection and delivery from his end. Everything went well until he tried to send me the shipping documents. A photo of the documents was poor and would not print clearly, the bay would not allow the exchange of email addresses, but luckily I found his company site on the web so I could send him an email. With the documents printed off I could pack the parcel.2mtrs×0.5mtrs×0.2mtrs. It was because of it being 1.5mtrs that I was having difficulty in finding a delivery service.
With the steel car bumper carefully packed up, the kitchen looking like it had been snowing from all of the little bits of polystyrene everywhere it was ready for collection.
Oops picked it up and I received a message today to say that it has arrived safely and that he is delighted with it.
Thanks again for all of your help and I hope that my experience may be of help to anyone else with a similar problem.
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