Positioning, Trial & Error, Priorities

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Hip Priest

Since I've started doing longer rides (10-20 miles, nothing serious) I've started to experience numbness in the genitals. It occurs about 10 miles in, and is relieved by standing up on the pedals for a short while. However, it is spoiling my enjoyment somewhat, and I'm worried about long term damage to the old chap.

I've experimented with saddle angle, and having it level seems to minimise, but not eradicate, the problem. So, I think I'm going to have to spend a bit of cash. Would a pair of padded cycling shorts be likely to sort it out, or am I best just biting the bullet and buying a saddle with a channel? Also, is it likely to get better as I get fitter / lighter? I weigh about 16 stone at the minute, but the weight is dropping off due to all the cycling.


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
Padded bib shorts will help a great deal, I wouldn't ride the bike without them :thumbsup:
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Well, I decided to go belt & braces and bought my first pair of lycra shorts and a new seat with a channel in it to take pressure off the gentlemanbits.


Senior Member
The shorts and holey saddle will help massively, but I've never been able to totally eliminate nether-region numbness; as you've discovered, an occasional stand up every twenty mins or so usually restores feeling to the old meat and two veg once again. I've never heard of anybody suffering long-term damage from numbness - it's more of a temporary discomfort.

It might be worth wheeling yourself + bicycle into a good bike shop and asking them to take a look at your position too, just in case you're all over the place fit-wise. Whether you can get away without paying for this though is another matter!
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