Please merge jokes and cartoons thread

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Kilometre nibbler
I don't hold with these loose modern interpretations of what a cartoon is. There are too many things being passed off as cartoons which patently are not cartoons.

If it's not "a full-size sketch or drawing used as a pattern for a tapestry, painting, mosaic, or other graphic art form" then it's not a cartoon.



More wheels than sense
Pointless and a waste of effort to merge two long running threads.

Threads that at heart are about humour and not pedantic definitions.


South Glos
I treat jokes as things that can be verbal or written. Pictures, no matter how funny don't have a place in the jokes thread. It also has the benefit that text can be searched so that posters can make sure they aren't repeating jokes. So if I have any amusing picture/meme the only reasonably suitable place is the cartoons thread, even if the picture isn't a cartoon. One answer is to create a "Memes, funny pictures (not cartoons)" thread.

That's just my opinion and how I choose where to post my stuff. Post according to whatever you feel is right, it's not even a small mound I'm willing to die on.


Firm and Fruity
Visual jokes go in the cartoon thread.
Verbal jokes go in the joke thread.

There will be cross over but I can live with that.

My mind finds the visual stuff far funnier than having to read through the long laboured set up and punchline.


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
I don’t mind one way or another whether these two threads are merged, but it would be nice to move out all the endless “chit chat” from these threads which should be for “jokes and cartoons”. :wacko:
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