Please Help, Which bike to buy?

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Hi all,

I could really do with some advice, I am a complete novice and for some reason have allowed myself to get roped into doing the London to Paris bike ride for charity.

I am really excited but I am having problems choosing a bike within my price range (around £300/400).

What should I look for and where?

basically I don't know where to start so any tips would be great.




Evil Rabbit

New Member
Go to a few bikes shops and try out a few bikes, looking to see if you are comfortable with flat bars, drop bars, overall geometry of the bike etc. This will give you a good starting point on potential makes & models. When you know the style/type of bike you want, post again and you should get some good options.


Senior Member
Try trek 7.2fx all reviews are good, I may b getting this wen my c2w vouchers come through. Only issue is trek don't allow bikes 2 be delivered u have 2 collect from lbs.
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