Planet X cheap tyres

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Planet X always seems to have a hell of a lot of very heavily discounted tyres, particularly from Vittoria, so always look at them first when looking for tyres for my many bikes.

But why are they so cheap?

Anything I should be aware of?

Also kind of linked to the question of whether tyres can go off with storage and wondering how the various bits of the supply chain tent to store tyres.

Are some of these tyres possibly pretty old and have been kept in maybe less than ideal circumstances while they await a buyer?


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I'me still using some Duro 24mm tyres I got from PlanetX about 4 years ago. No problems whatsoever, except the purple ones have faded a little.


Well-Known Member
Peterborough, UK
They're doing a 'Longtail Sale' at the moment (with some excellent marketing if you follow them on Facebook). I bought some 'Dog S**t Tyres' (brown Kendas) which were just shy of £10 for two, delivered. They're nylon, but good enough for what I had in mind. Yesterday, they had some 20" tyres for £3.99 a pop where the buyer "didn't check the size before ordering them." - perfect for a folder.


They buy entire end of line stocks direct from manufacturers I believe... then put the price up and down for a year or so until they all sell!
They're great value though and often better tyres than the new, shiny logo, lower spec, higher cost tyres the manufacturer has replaced them with!!
I doubt they have been stored long enough to deteriorate tbh, the sets I've had from them have seemed pretty fresh, although they do have a habit of tying up the bead to get them into smaller boxes, so allow some time for them to 'unwarp'...
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Blue Hills
Thanks for the responses so far - interested in others.

My own experience so far for the record - a pair of Vittoria tyres 700x37 (not sure of the name for of course Vittoria has an incredibly confusing product naming regime) that cost me not a lot over £5 each - all OK so far.

Seem to remember that yes mine were somewhat creatively packed/contorted but seemed to cause no long term problems.


Here for rides.
Two bikes have cheap Planet X Clement tyres on. One bike has less cheap Planet X Vittoria tyres on.

All seems good on the road/all road thus far.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
I bought some Vittoria Gomas 2.4s from them and they are fine. Went and hammered them in the Welsh Hills with @fossyant and crew and no issues whatsoever. Well reviewed tyre at a fraction of the usual cost.
They buy entire end of line stocks direct from manufacturers I believe... then put the price up and down for a year or so until they all sell!
They're great value though and often better tyres than the new, shiny logo, lower spec, higher cost tyres the manufacturer has replaced them with!!
I doubt they have been stored long enough to deteriorate tbh, the sets I've had from them have seemed pretty fresh, although they do have a habit of tying up the bead to get them into smaller boxes, so allow some time for them to 'unwarp'...

This^ Seems to be mostly Italian stuff so they obviously have some 'contacts' out there.

Had mixed experiences myself some Vittoria tyres were ok but some latex tubes split .
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