Pinching upper inner thigh

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Über Member
When I ride I often end up with a really annoying and uncomfortable pinching of a tiny fold of skin on my upper inner thigh where I sit.

This happens regardless of whether I wear boxers or cycling shorts.

Does this happen to anyone else, and is there a remedy??

I would say its PITA but thats not quite right.


Cycling Excusiast
Not experienced this before - have you checked that your saddle is aligned straight on your bike?


Cycling Excusiast
If it is straight - then maybe try adjusting it to turn a couple of mm's away from where it's pinching - we're all individuals and you might not find it sitting straight is right for you. Hope this sorts it!

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Sounds similar to what I sometimes experience. I get what you describe right in the crease between leg and groin just on one side. It doesn't happen on every ride or every long ride but as I had a minor hernia operation there about 7-8 years ago I reckon it is the scar tissue being agravated as part of the hernia repair procedure is to sew the muscle wall back together where the intestine is pushing through. Have you ever had a hernia repair? My repair has left a distinct scar line in the muscle tissue that can easily be felt when poking around the area :stop:

Annoyingly, I only had the repair done because I didn't want it to get worse as I got older but the repair has given me more pain and aches than the problem ever did.


Über Member
The seat seems to be straight, but may need to be changed.

It was a great seat on my singlespeed and I never had any discomfort with it, but I do find I move around alot on it on my fixed, often wriggling to work the pinched bit free which isn't always possible.

I think I'll experiment with adjusting the seat first tho, to see if I can illiminate the problem.

Skol I think you have been spot on in your description of where the pinch is but I have no scar tissue there; luckily I haven't had a hernia or needed any procedures in that region.


Active Member
I have the same problem from time to time but I have found that if ,once I'm ready to get on the bike, I go down in to a deep squat position it stretches that area out nicely and as long as I get on the bike straight afterward it doesn't seem to be an issue.

Of course I don't always remember to do it and have found myself feeling the nip and having to stop and get off to squat down at the side of the road to get everything in its right place.

Fortunately I live out in the sticks and there are seldom any passers by but I imagine if you did that along the High St you might get some funny looks.....:eek:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Had same problem but it may help to use a dollop of Sudocrem on the offending site.
Agreed, and if you're going very far wear cycle-shorts or cycle-speciofic undershorts.
Alternatively you might be better-off with a different saddle.


Well-Known Member
I also get this problem and not sure if it's my saddle as although wearing cycle shorts helps the problem it doesn't eliminate it. I end up trying to stretch myself out as I ride to get myself comfortable but as soon as I need to get out of the saddle to give it a bit up a hill it starts all over again. The standard saddle on my bike is quite padded and was wondering if less padding would help????
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