Peugeot Alu 40?

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I have had a Peugeot Alu 40 Performance for about 2 years now and have never been able to find out very much about it's history. When I 1st picked it up the guy who serviced it for me thought it was late 90's because of the red paint job, decals and egg shaped downtube. Has anyone got a bit more info on it's background and date? It currently has the following spec', but I appreciate this may have been upgrade over time:

Rigida Nova rims
Shimano 9 Speed FlightDeck gear and brake levers
Shimano Groupset
Deda 330 Ergonomic bars
Miche Headset
Unidentified stem

I have added a Campagnolo seat pin which a picked up from an old Paul Hewitt bike I got for my son but had to sell on because it was too big!

I rides lovely and I really like it, but I would just like to know a bit more about it.

Trust someone can assist with my first posting on the forum.

Many thanks.


I would have a look at It's the best source of info on old Peugeots that I've come across.
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