people driving , talking and texting on a phone are not in control ,look and u will see too many doi

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New Member
i am not a whinger but look how many people are on thier phone also cyclist they cannot stay off the phone , they soon moan if someone knocks thier child or relative over !
have a nice day everyone.


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
i am not a whinger but look how many people are on thier phone also cyclist they cannot stay off the phone , they soon moan if someone knocks thier child or relative over !
have a nice day everyone.

in English please?


Hiya CM :thumbsup:
Funily enough, i was driving through town today. I said to the wife...look at this driver in front, meandering across the lines of lanes, wandering too close to the kerbs etc. I followed 'him' for about 2 miles beginning to wonder if the driver was under the influence. It wasnt too bad, but definately not in full control.
Anyway, at some stage, it indicated for a junction, slowed down, i passed, looked at the driver...female, with a mobile clamped to her ear :whistle: .
I'm not perfect, i've done it before (not nowadays and not often before) , and said to the wife...thats what you dont see from inside your own car when you're on the phone. Seeing it just re-inforces my determination not to do it.


Legendary Member
I had a near miss in the dark on a recent tour as the cyclist I was overtaking swerved for no apparent reason. I knew she was smoking, but as I passed I noticed she was also speaking on her mobile phone.

The really annoying thing was, I had quite a struggle to catch up with her.:biggrin:


Mayenne, France
I had a near miss in the dark on a recent tour as the cyclist I was overtaking swerved for no apparent reason. I knew she was smoking, but as I passed I noticed she was also speaking on her mobile phone.

The really annoying thing was, I had quite a struggle to catch up with her.:biggrin:

Wow, what a fine woman :laugh:


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
Two mobile incidents:

First one: driving along a narrow country road, I see a car coming the other way, as we both approach a passing place. As I get there a bit before him, I pull into the side of the road. As he passes, he takes his right hand off the steering wheel to wave a 'thank you'. Very courteous, but I'd have preferred it if his left hand had been on the steering wheel at that moment, rather than holding his mobile to his left ear. "Look, no hands!"

Second one: an open convertible being driven by woman overtakes me coming up to traffic lights. Given that she was going to have to stop for the lights, and I was pulling alongside her, I could virtually read the text she was composing with her left hand. I can't remember exactly what I said in her left ear, but she rapidly stopped texting and looked duly guilty.

Re the smoking in cars thing, I wish it were made illegal while driving: all the actions smokers do - removing cigarette from packet, lighting fag, removing hand from wheel for each drag, looking down into lap/bushing off fag ash from lap - are just as liable to lead to accidents as talking on a mobile.

the snail

Re the smoking in cars thing, I wish it were made illegal while driving: all the actions smokers do - removing cigarette from packet, lighting fag, removing hand from wheel for each drag, looking down into lap/bushing off fag ash from lap - are just as liable to lead to accidents as talking on a mobile.

Anything which distracts the attention of the driver like that would come under 'driving without due care' I think, trouble is the only time they might be prosecuted is if they are spotted by police or cause an accident


Evil Genius in training.
Warrington, UK
i am not a whinger but look how many people are on thier phone also cyclist they cannot stay off the phone , they soon moan if someone knocks thier child or relative over !
have a nice day everyone.

Chaps, don't feed the troll ;)

Back! back to the bridge from when ye came! :tongue:


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
all the actions smokers do - removing cigarette from packet, lighting fag, removing hand from wheel for each drag, looking down into lap/bushing off fag ash from lap

Staring down at the floor while scuffing around with both feet to try and put out the fire they've just started by dropping lit cigarette on the carpet ......
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