Pedaling Mechanics

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I was wondering what the latest thinking regarding pedaling mechanics is ? Is the consensus still on pushing over the top and pulling up or what? My thoughts have always been that -in theory anyway-power should be applied at 90 deg to the crank ie with the crank at the 12 o'clock position power should be be applied forwards whereas in the 3 o'clock postion it is applied downwards.
Maybe you guys with power meters have a take on this now?

I'd be keen to get your thoughts on this chaps.
there's all kinds of 'thinking' on pedalling mechanics - but not much evidence to support anything other than the principle that pushing the pedals harder makes you go faster.. :smile:


Man or Moose!
It is a given that ideally, force should be applied perpendicular to the crank arm throughout the pedal stroke, the ability of ones legs to apply power in this direction however is not as simple!

Simply to push harder is a good philosophy though!

Biker Joe

Über Member
Yeah. There seems to be a number of methods. What the latest is I don't know.
What suits me is pulling back on the pedals at the bottom of the stroke,( Like scraping mud off your shoe)
And lifting the knee enough to keep the weight off the pedal on the up stroke.
The power stroke seems to take care of itself strangely enough.
I was told this years ago. I had to concentrate on it at first but it wasn't long before it became automatic.
I like it because it's uncomplicated, not a lot to concentrate on and it works.. ( At least for me).


Legendary Member
Depends which research you choose to believe. Several studies over the last couple of decades have entirely contradicted one another, and are selectively quoted by those arguing for or against flats or clipless.

If it works for you, stick at it.
You can pick out flat spots by doing one legged pedaling


I've absolutely no idea what's best. I crank my pedals as best as I can and I would like that to be better.
However I've seen some interesting looking graphs produced by a Wattbike and a local gym has some. One of my colleagues is a very good TTer and he attributes a fair bit of his success to using one. So sometime soon I want to get myself along and at least see what the balance between my two legs is.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Best option is to pedal properly, through 360 degrees, not on/off. Smooth, good cadence 80-100 rpm
Thats what i was taught, try to spin smaller circles
Depends which research you choose to believe. Several studies over the last couple of decades have entirely contradicted one another, and are selectively quoted by those arguing for or against flats or clipless.

If it works for you, stick at it.
And thats what i remember reading last as well,you can certainly practise making you pedaling style smoother and many people recommend riding a fixed gear bike to improve your style but at the end of the day like cadence you will have a style that suits you sir ! and trying to hard to change it can be detrimental.


God Almighty
I'm convinced that pulling up is a waste of energy 90% of the time, it's more a case of unloading the weight of that leg from the pedal so it is not resisting the downstroke of the other leg. The "mud scrape" is fair does though.

You could always buy yourself some osymetric rings!


Man or Moose!
I would say the only time I notice pulling up or even unweighting the pedals is when I am jumping for a sprint, going all out or during big acceleration like a standing start or jumping off the front. I also do it when honking up a short and steep hill. Usually this happens with a concious input, the rest of the time, I am pretty sure I don't do this.

I am not convinced about the idea that riding fixed improves the smoothness of your pedal stroke either.

TBH, I wouldnt worry too much about it, unless you are pedalling squares (you will know) then you are doing just fine!
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