Pedal... 'Threaded'

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Über Member

I drunkenly put a pedal on last night and after 20 attempts it seemed that the thread was just 'tight'. I wound it on regardless and then realised at the end that I had completely goosed it up. Cross Threaded. Now, when I clip in, I'm at an angle so it kind of clips in and out as I pedal.

Do I...

1. Replace the crack?
2. Adjust the cleat (MTB SPD) to straighten?

Can I risk unscrewing the pedal or will doing so render number 1 the only option?



Apart from your foot being at an odd angle does the crank feel funny when you pedal as if your foot isn't performing a proper circle, more like an oval. (Sorry, that's my best effort at explaining it!). You may be able to extract the pedal spindle, the downside being that you may withdraw half the thread out of the crank with it. You may also be lucky and remove the pedal and find the thread in the crank has survived and then it is a matter of finding the start of your original thread. A decent LBS will have thread chasers that will clean up the thread if it isn't too damaged. You can sometimes do it yourself by screwing in the pedal from the other side of the crank where the thread start isn't damaged. Depends how thick the crank is. I suspect your best course of action is your final question even with the risk of number 1.

Good luck with it whatever you decide.


Über Member
I would say the same as above. i.e. unscrew and try screwing in from the back to clean the thread. Failing that try the LBS But don't ride it as is, as it could be dangerous.
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