PCP car claim and dieselgate

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Legendary Member
London, UK
A couple of years ago, there were loads sof adverts on YouTube trying to sign people up to claim for dieselgate (when a certain car brand was found to fixing the diesel test emissions).

Now, I see lots of adverts for PCP finance car claim adverts.

I know about what happened in dieselgate and I know about PCP-gate.

My questions are:
1. when people sign up, don't they get rolled into a long process that takes a lot of time?
2. why are there so many adverts, are they all small-time law firms, like ambulance chasers?
3. Do the law firms want to sign people up asap so that those people do. Ot sign up with anyone else, and once those people are "on the books" the small print says "you can't go to any other firm and we can take as long as we like"?


Slippery scientist
I was part of the original dieselgate claim. I signed up with the law firm leading it. It did take a while but along the way we were given updates about what was happening and what the specific arguments were. It was quite interesting. Eventually the OEM in question settled although the terms of my agreement mean I can't say if I received anything or how much.


Legendary Member
such claims tend to be done as group / class action, so the law firms will combine and bring one claim on behalf of all. The little firms are essentially on a marketing punt, gather up a bunch of "clients" and then piggy back off which ever big gun brings the group action, or transfer its clients over to them for a fee split.

Dave 123

Legendary Member
I heard about lithe PCP via Martin Lewis on radio 5.

He had a free template letter and a drop down menu of all the culprits.

When I left Cambridge I bought a car partly with cash but the majority on finance and it turns out that I was mis-sold the finance.

They won’t be able to provide me with a final response before 24th September at the earliest…..

It’s quite exciting to think of all those trillions of pounds coming to me…. But I guess the outcome will be fairly meagre.


Dieselgate, oh dear it’s partly all my fault. You see back, in the early 1980s, after watching a movie called ‘The China Syndrome’ with Jane Fonda who drove a Diesel VW Golf, I bought a Diesel car. I had to fill it up where lorry drivers filed their Diesel trucks up in all the filth, for very little cash. Slowly one by one other folks bought a Diesel car too and they became popular so much so the government decided to recommend people to but Diesel cars too. Now the tables have turned.
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