Paying The Danegeld ***SPOILERS***

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No Ta Doctor

New Member
In another place, another time, there was once a thread titled:

"The Vikings are coming! Be afraid. *possible spoilers* *definite pillaging *"

It was intended to serve as a warning that the Danish talent factory was producing some great talent you could expect to get beaten by at a race near you at some point soon. As the years wore on, and Mads P won a world championship, Asgreen took Flanders, TdF stages galore were won by multiple riders and not least, the Tour itself won by Vingegaard, it was necessary to re-title the thread:

"The Vikings are HERE! Be afraid. *possible spoilers* *definite pillaging *"

It's archived by the wayback machine here:

And now, in a new place, it falls to me - an adoptive Dane - to remind you all that The Dangeld still needs paying. I'll be updating this thread with regular raids, pillages, battles and victories, as well as the occasional bit of news about any up and coming Viking youngsters (and yes, you do all need to know the name Albert Withen Philipsen). You should also know the name Gustav Wang, but that's at least partially for comedic purposes, and no, he's never ridden Madison with compatriot Frederik Muff.

Note: Only Danes are considered true Vikings here. We are of the opinion that Knud the Great had it right, Norway is just a bit of Northern Denmark.

To avoid obvious spoilers I'll usually try to update a day or so late, if I can be bothered at all - I've gotten quite blase with it now that all your races are belong to us.

Alternative thread title: Danish Dynamite - Magnus Cort's Helicopter Eye View
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Mads has gone up a tier ..I'll give you that
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