Paris-Nice *SPOILER*

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Everyone's favourite early season stage race starts this weekend... yay! But who do you fancy?

Clearly, the just under 10km Stage 1 ITT is made for Bradley Wiggins, and David Millar always seems to fancy a stage win in this race, but beyond that there isn't much British interest - Jeremy Hunt is also riding for Cervelo though.

For the overall, I can't see much beyond Contador, though Cadel Evans (who has been inconsistent so far this season) and Jens Voight are there too.

The stage I am most looking forward to is Stage 6, which is a proper mountain stage, with a mountain-top finish. Could be a classic, and we've got Euskaltel and other teams with some serious specialist climbers who haven't seen much action yet this year, so they will all be wanting a win.

Skip Madness

New Member
I am in agreement with you about stage 6 - the Montagne de Lure is the most difficult climb in the race, and it is nice to see a proper mountain-top finish at Paris - Nice.

I think Nicholas Roche could be a serious contender providing the early-season condition is there. The mountains are not too difficult and there is not a lot of time to be lost against the clock. Caisse d'Epragne can be considered in with a good chance of defending their title - Pereiro, Moreno and L.L. Sánchez are all in the squad. I am interested to see where Roman Kreuziger will be at this stage of the season, too. Contador is clearly already in great condition, but picking him for the win seems too easy! So I will go for David Moncoutié.

By the way, I am not sure about everyone's favourite early season stage race - I tend to prefer Tirreno - Adriatico.


New Member
Davide Rebellin would be my choice if he's not riding Tirreno, but perhaps now that he's riding with Simoni for Diquigiovanni he has no choice in which early season stage race he participates in :surrender:

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
After reading todays report in Cyclingnews I think Roche fancies his chances but from what weve seen of Contador so far this year he must be the one I would choose. To see Millar and/or Wiggins do well in one or more of the stages would also make me happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Hard to see past Bertie but I'll have a punt on Gerdemann to get on the podium. He's moved to a new team to 'better' his chances.


Star said:
I've gotta go with Contador for the GC. :biggrin:

Live coverage links on


Any idea what time the live video streaming starts? I have been trying for the past half hour and still not on...and eurosport commentary seems to be ski jumping. Or at least something involving distances...


I'm following it on text at Wiggins has just gone to the top of the leaderboard with a great ride of 11.12, average over 50kmph - 12 seconds faster than Chavanel. It was still done in wet conditions however, which means it could be beaten by a later rider if the roads dry out significantly...


It's started raining again, so I reckon it is now less likely than anyone will better Wiggins now. Nice ride by Karpets for third as it stands. You could say he was flying...

... I'll get me coat.
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