Paint Sprayers

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Heavy Metal Fan
Our decking area is quite large, it used to have fake grass on it which we tore up. Underneath, the decking had been laid and untreated. So I bought some decking treatment and tried to apply it with a brush. It took me an hour to do the first half, and didn't do a very good job as the previous owners had installed the boards upside down, so the brush wasn't getting into the grooves very well. There was also a lot of overspill and some got wasted down the gaps. I then sent my partner to buy a paint sprayer. What a revelation!

We bought the Wagner one from Toolstation (£65). The second half of the decking took me less than 10 minutes. I'm now looking forward to spraying our garden fencing which would take days with a brush but only hours with the spray gun.

I'd recommend it to anyone.


N Ireland
I borrowed a friends INGCO sprayer (£38 on amazon) to do our front boundary fencing and large shed and associated fencing behind it and it was almost enjoyable. Certainly less mess and took about a third of the time that it would've using a paint brush


Heavy Metal Fan
Yes I was pleasantly surprised about the flow rate. I had visions of the stuff being wheezed out like an asthmatic border terrier, but I literally had to go at walking pace to keep up and prevent too heavy a coat. The patio treatment was very watery though, so was easy to do undiluted. I'll have to look into how much to dilute paint, and what with
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