Pain in the sit bones!

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I have been riding for just over a year now and in the last month or so I have been getting a pain on one of my sit bones. I have tried different saddles, saddle height/positions. I even stopped for a couple of weeks but it always comes back. I can do 60 miles ok and being in the saddle doesnt seem to hurt too much, its after the ride that I feel it, it is almost as if it is bruised/swollen, but only on one side.


Which saddles and how many. If your doing big miles,i would suggest there is nothing wrong with you,more your setup. Sounds like you are not putting the power down evenly through both legs


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Double check your position, saddle alighnment, not off to one side.

You've not suddenly 'changed' something withing that 'last month' ? Injury/strain ?


Man or Moose!
Banged up Berties!


Fixed wheel fanatic.
I have been riding for just over a year now and in the last month or so I have been getting a pain on one of my sit bones. I have tried different saddles, saddle height/positions. I even stopped for a couple of weeks but it always comes back. I can do 60 miles ok and being in the saddle doesnt seem to hurt too much, its after the ride that I feel it, it is almost as if it is bruised/swollen, but only on one side.
I get exactly the same thing. I've had a pro fitting and been measured for a saddle but no difference. I get it when I'm doing timetrials and I put it down to being sat in exactly one position. I can do a 100 miles no probs, but a ten mile TT can be murderous.
Sorry I can't help you with an answer, I was just going to try another type of saddle. I might get my physio (whos a good cyclist) to check me out.
Pumpkin the robot
I have tried a cube saddle, a scott one and a specialized one. The Specialized one is the most comfortable. I have various different padded shorts and none seem to cure it. I have spd shoes and peddles, maybe this is the problem, but as I have just changed from a hybrid to a racing bike in the last week and still getting the problem, I doubt its the positioning.


Legendary Member
From the Specialized site...

BG® saddle designs take the pressure off your important parts, so the terms "saddle" and "sore" can remain exclusive.
We follow the doctor's orders when it comes to saddle design because hours on a bike will quickly prove that an ill fitting or poorly designed saddle is, well, pure hell. Ergonomic designer and medical doctor Roger Minkow was the first person to present solutions for saddle pressure/dysfunction, and he helped us develop the specific shapes, contours and cut-outs you’ll find in all of our Body Geometry saddles.

Though years in the saddle may have given you an opinion or two about what feels best, we always suggest getting fit to your bike. Your local Specialized dealer can either guide you through a comprehensive BG FIT session, or if saddles are your only concern, they can measure your actual sit bone width to find the perfect fitting saddle (all models are available in multiple sizes) for your body.
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