Rob, you can share your knowledge on the topic also. What would you add to help people getting into cycling and racing?
From my professional perspective I can tell that it's surprising how many experienced cyclists mess this up and how many don't understand or chose to ignore their limitations. I include myself in the later.
That is my point, from your "professional" position you should be able to construct a better article. Otherwise your "professional perspective" looks rather worthless. Any written piece you present should show potential clients that you have a wealth of knowledge that they can benefit from, and most importantly, that you can communicate this knowledge to them, your text fails on both accounts. Your article basically says "I am going to talk about pacing, there are some things that influence pacing, I am not going to tell you anything about them, here are some constants and equations I lifted from wikipedia, although any high school kid should already know them, if you are nerd, you can do some good maths".
You are correct, I could share my thoughts on pacing, however producing even a modestly concise, well researched and well written paper takes time, it is not something that can be knocked together in 5 minutes (as your article reads as if it was), this is time I don't have to spare. Additionally, I would rather just point people to books or peer reviewed papers, by authors with credence, that are likely to be useful. However I am happy to offer my perspective on any specific questions, where I feel I have something to add!