Organised recreational rides planning to ride through cemetery

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Active Member
As the organiser and leader of recreational rides in London - it could be in any British city for this topic - I like to get us off the streets where I can, onto a more pleasant path. If this is through a large cemetery would that be acceptable normally? Of course if there is a funeral happening we would give it a wide berth. I have taken rides through cemeteries without complaint. They are open to the public. There is at least one road or wide path traversing them. They are fairly empty of people. I would like to hear opinions about this from anyone on this forum.


Girl from the North Country
I wouldn't consider riding through a cemetery. Is it a marked cycle path?

To be honest I'm never happy that people drive into cemeteries to tend to graves. I would prefer them not to, unless they have a disability which means they can't walk from the entrance.


Legendary Member
As the organiser and leader of recreational rides in London - it could be in any British city for this topic - I like to get us off the streets where I can, onto a more pleasant path. If this is through a large cemetery would that be acceptable normally? Of course if there is a funeral happening we would give it a wide berth. I have taken rides through cemeteries without complaint. They are open to the public. There is at least one road or wide path traversing them. They are fairly empty of people. I would like to hear opinions about this from anyone on this forum.

Its inappropriate for a number of reasons. I think the fact you felt you needed to check means you knew this really.
I would ride through a cemetery on my own - slowly and respectfully
and I have done on several occasions

However, I would never do so at any kind of speed - and certainly not ina group of more than a few people

As far as riding through them - or even driving to a grave- I would say it depends on the size
The cemetery where my Grandad is buried - and the ashes of my Mum and Uncle - is so big that it is really the only practical way of visiting the grave - hence the roads are very wide and designed to allow parking
Some are much narrower

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
On the contrary, I think if respectfully done then passing through a cemetery is perfectly acceptable. Many cemeteries have paths through that are routinely used as thoroughfares by people going about their daily business, either on foot or bicycle. These places are not intended as places of unhappiness and desolation, to be avoided and neglected. While they are not parks, they are places of quiet and often beauty when well tended with some incredible architecture that is obviously intended to be viewed and admired. The words on headstones are often there for all to see and not just as comfort to the family involved. Cemeteries are also often a haven for nature due to the quiet and can be a great place to spend some time getting closer to the local wildlife.

In fact, I'm sure a recent CC informal ride made a thing of visiting graveyards of London? I and my family will often visit the grounds of a village church and spend some time looking at the old graves and reading the dates and inscriptions. It is a poignant reminder of how tragically short human life can be and the mortality of us all. Our time on this earth is limited, that is a simple fact, so make the most of your time here. Cemeteries are a fact of life and also a public resource/space, not just a dumping ground for the bodies at the end!


South Wales
As the organiser and leader of recreational rides in London - it could be in any British city for this topic - I like to get us off the streets where I can, onto a more pleasant path. If this is through a large cemetery would that be acceptable normally? Of course if there is a funeral happening we would give it a wide berth. I have taken rides through cemeteries without complaint. They are open to the public. There is at least one road or wide path traversing them. They are fairly empty of people. I would like to hear opinions about this from anyone on this forum.

That depends on the cemetery.

Not many have public through routes, but if they do, and those routes are open to cycles, then I see no reason why not.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
On the contrary, I think if respectfully done then passing through a cemetery is perfectly acceptable. Many cemeteries have paths through that are routinely used as thoroughfares by people going about their daily business, either on foot or bicycle. These places are not intended as places of unhappiness and desolation, to be avoided and neglected. While they are not parks, they are places of quiet and often beauty when well tended with some incredible architecture that is obviously intended to be viewed and admired.
I agree. Both Norwich and Watton have cemeteries with cycle routes through. (Actually, Norwich has one with the A140 dual carriageway through it!) Don't ride past the front of a chapel, give way to mourners and anything else reasonable the signs ask, but otherwise enjoy the greenery, flowers and wildlife.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
The 19th century cemetary in the town that shall not be named is one of my favourite places in that dump... peaceful, secluded, overgrown, gently decaying in beautiful indifference to the tacky plastic consumptive "progress" that's unfolding around it.

I often cycle through it after I've gone to the shops, and sometimes stop for a bite to eat. I have no problem cycling on the bits intended for / wide enough for cars and will pootle down the footpaths when there's nobody else around. That said I'll always ride slowly and am especially mindful of being respectful to those around me.

I guess the validity of planning a route through the cemetary in question depends on many factors - size, path / road provision, how busy it is, how many riders there are, what sort of ride it is. A small group of slow tourists passing respectfully through a large, deserted, well-surfaced cemetary is obviously going to be less problematic than 100 fluorescent lycra-clad gravel-b*stards smashing it through a tiny cemetary two feet away from where gran's being planted..
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Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
All depends, someone cycling with a wicker basket and a bunch of flowers in the basket is fine. Bunch of guys rushing through in their Lycra gear is not a great idea.
I feel this is the answer.
Here we have many cemeteries of the size of a country park, with roads for visitors in cars.
Indeed, one (that I know of) has a cycling route through it.
I have ridden through a few at a sedate pace, alone.
Once, as a largish group, we rode through a disused cemetery, most graves were a couple of centuries old.
It was a historical themed ride.
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