One hour later than normal= numpties !

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
Came out of work this week at around 5 pm rather than the normal 4 ish and hence i have come to see a lot more of the abuse we get from other road users.
Most of the time when i am commuting a lot of the traffic is very polite giving loads of space etc, i come out into the flow of rushing commuters and i see a lot more of the general abuse that many of you seem to deal with every day.
Today i was approaching a traffic queue at 20 mph in primary , but its a wide road and a "lady" in a micra proceeds to box me into the kerb by physically driving at me when she is level with me.
Yesterday i was coming down a hill easily doing the speed limit in primary again when another driver comes past and gets a shock when they realize i have no intention of pulling in to let them past, they just get a good blast of the airzound to which i get a gormless look in response.

This is on top of the normal close overtakes which i tend to shrug off as they are not worth reporting , 95% of overtakers are great to me on my country lane commute so the odd one i can normally read before it happens.


You have my every sympathy.
It's a problem I have too. I work flexi time so my hours can vary. If I get it wrong, leaving work can be a nightmare. Coming in is the same. I like to be on the road by about 0715 otherwise the traffic starts to get nasty (in the sense that it builds up and badly behaved) by the time i get close to work. In the morning ten minutes can make a massive difference to my day - I either get a smooth run in and feel great and full of cycling goodness or end up in a foul mood having been cut up and generally treated like sh1t on the roads for 30 minutes.
Driving standards are slipping. Many dont drive courteously anymore as that no longer seems a consideration in todays society for lots of people. I cant see it getting any better - though a mass 20mph limit for built up areas may help.


New Member
On the coast
There definitely seems to be an increase in aggressive driving in rush-hour traffic.

Mosr weekdays, I go out in the early evening, after rush-hour, and can go days sometimes without any noteable incidents. But on the few occasions I've gone out between 5 and 6pm, I can have 2-3 incidents per mile in town traffic. Poor little dears are in such a rush to get home...


Active Member
Stevenage, Herts
+1 I have the advantage of shift work so miss most of the normal rush hour traffic. My going home after nights a 7am is against the flow so that's not too bad. Other times tends to be just before or after the school run or when the road is nearly completely empty.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
and these really were worth reporting?

they complain to you.. and they are bad you complain to the 1000s on here and........................

Not really if you had bothered to check my post history you would see i do not post 1000`s of posts about bad driving, there is a lot more to this forum than people moaning about bad driving .In retrospect this post should have gone in the commuting forum but please do not jump to an unfounded conclusion based on one post.

If you did not like the topic then you did not have to read it, surely you could have worked out what it was about by the title ?
Go troll somewhere else please.


Cycling in the sun
I'm lucky I guess in that I'm still tied to dropping my youngest at school and picking him up at the end of the day, so only work school hours. I do have the daft mums who think their child is more precious than me but I miss the worst of the rush hour at each end apart from the few occasions when I have to change my hours.

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