OMG hahaha.

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Well would you adam and eve it..... i took up cycling for exercise to make a change from running (bored with that)...and in may i bought my first road bike, my partner said he liked the look of that and so bought himself one....i started to go out 4 times a week on my bike, and he looked at his bike in the lounge, not a dirty mark on it...ha...i decided to buy him some clipless pedals and cycling shoes and clothes for his birthday to encourage him...well now he is dragging me out for rides....its so nice to go out together and learn to feel what its like to sit in the slipstream of the bike in front..and so we take it in turns and did our longest ride (14 miles) the other day.... and this morning he did his first commute to work (7 miles each way).... me? i will be driving to work, (11 miles each way) armed with my can of red bull and then i will be taping down one of my eyelids to stop it from twitching from fatigue..
... i think we are well and truly hooked..



West Somerset
Hi Jenni :welcome:

Corgi Kid

Active Member
Liverpool UK
Well done both of you. I needed a kick up the arse to get me on a bike but know I just love riding and spending the day in the fresh air instead of driving and sitting in traffic. :thumbsup:

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
ooooo never thought of that!
be warned, that is how I became an Ironman! I am by no means a super athlete and only did my first sprint distance race 4 years ago.
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