Max embarrassment today: just setting out on a ride on the Raleigh pro race this afto; the estate my bud lives on is on the main route through town on way to Cheltenham races so they always turn off the traffic lights at the bottom of his road. We were turning right, my friend nipped across the road but i got caught in the middle of the road, forgot i was clipped in and went A over T!
That's not the embarrassing bit!
My friend, not realising I'd taken a tumble had stopped out of sight further up the road. He told me a lady had stopped her car and told him I'd fallen. Kind lady.
Then he told me what she'd actually said:
"Are you with another cyclist, a MUCH OLDER MAN?" - what a bitch!

That's not the embarrassing bit!
My friend, not realising I'd taken a tumble had stopped out of sight further up the road. He told me a lady had stopped her car and told him I'd fallen. Kind lady.
Then he told me what she'd actually said:
"Are you with another cyclist, a MUCH OLDER MAN?" - what a bitch!