Octopus Energy Tracker

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Is anybody on here using the Octopus Energy tracker and is it saving you money over the flexible tariff?
I'm with OE at the moment and i don't want to switch to another provider as i think they have very good customer services.
I'd rather have a fixed rate but OE aren't doing any at the moment that's why i am asking about the tracker.
Thanks TCS.


North Shields
I have the tracker and it doesn't save me money particularly.

To be honest I don't think you're going to be saving much unless you go and live in a cave.

Like you say, their customer service is excellent, I'd stick with them for that alone, unless their rates became extortionate.


Legendary Member
I was at the old place, but determined it was too much hassle. While it could save money it was a PITA.

For example, I want to charge the car when convenient for me, and not when Octopus decides the energy is cheap that day, which was invariably at a day inconvenient for me.

With the house move I went to BG on their Electric Car tariff, and while on paper it's a little more expensive it isn't turning out that way in practice.

I also found Octopus not the most reliable when communicating with the Podpoint car charger. That may have been the chargers problem, to be fair.
The Central Scrutinizer
I have the tracker and it doesn't save me money particularly.

To be honest I don't think you're going to be saving much unless you go and live in a cave.

Like you say, their customer service is excellent, I'd stick with them for that alone, unless their rates became extortionate.
So it does work out cheaper but not a lot?
If you don't mind me asking have you had any months when the tracker was more expensive than the flexible tariff?
The reason I'm asking is that Martin Lewis reckons that the cap could be going up ten percent from October to January and he's pretty spot on on these things.


North Shields
So it does work out cheaper but not a lot?
If you don't mind me asking have you had any months when the tracker was more expensive than the flexible tariff?
The reason I'm asking is that Martin Lewis reckons that the cap could be going up ten percent from October to January and he's pretty spot on on these things.

Yeah, cheaper but not a lot is about right. I suppose over the year it all adds up to a significant sounding sum.

Looking at it, I think there's been a couple of months out of the year when the tracker has been more expensive, but not massively: January, April and June (if I'm interpreting the data correctly).

It's currently capped at £1 for electric and 30p for gas, a hike on that through winter isn't surprising but it could add up quickly.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
Currently on the gas tracker . Made a huge difference start of year . It’s a lot closer now but I’m still averaging 4.5p a unit . For electric I’m on a smart EV tariff with the added bonus of solar !
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