Numb Hand....

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Hi all,

Went out for my first ride yesterday and managed 21km in an hour. 275m climbed, so it wasn't just plain sailing for a newbie! I seemed to do nearly all my riding with my hands on top of the brake levers. Thumb on the inside. (It's a road bike) My hands were getting a little numb during the ride but were ok after a little while when I got home.
This morning though my left hand is numb from my wrist up the outside and across to and including my middle finger. I didn't wear any padded gloves, and wonder if this would have helped? Would raising the bars maybe help too, by letting me take more of my weight on my backside instead of on my wrists and hands?
Any advice appreciated! ^_^



Legendary Member
padded gloves will help, but don't grip the bars or the hoods (top of the brakes) to tightly


Über Member
I found some gloves made the problem worse but finally found a pair that suit me and stop all hand numbness - Gore Bike Wear Power 2.0 Short Finger Gloves.

Try getting in the habit of changing hand position if numbness continues to be a problem.

And, like numbnuts says - don't grip too tightly.

It could be down to bike setup, i.e. too much of your weight being transferred to the hands. But you'd need to make one change at a time to see how that effects you.


Thanks for the advice. I'll try the suggested gloves and see what the shop can do in the way of alternative set ups when it goes in for it's 6 week check.


Ramsgate, Kent
I echo everything said above! Especially about not gripping too tight when I first back on a bike I was so nervous and a bit wobbly (it had been 11 years since riding a bike) that I had white knuckles and within 5 mins my hands were aching, numb and I couldn't straighten my fingers properly! But every time I got back on I relaxed and now I have a very light grip and I don't get any more numbness/pain. I do occasionally towards the end of longer rides find myself leaning on the bars which make my hands ache but I've been told that it's probably weak core muscles so I guess I'll have to work on that!

But good luck!


New Member
Try getting in the habit of changing hand position if numbness continues to be a problem.


Legendary Member
Don't ignore it. I let my hands get to the stage where it was a two handed struggle to lift a pan off the stove, and I've never fully recovered all the strength in them even after 12 years.

Ian Watts

I suffer with this too - specialized Rockhopper 2011. I know I am gripping too tight, and suspect I am putting too much weight onto my hands. Local bike shop suggested raising seat, using decent padded gloves, and shaped grips (flat at the outer edge), which has all helped, but not solved. Next step is seat position - is it likely to need moving forward or back to take the weight off the handle bars.


Well-Known Member
Does 'numb hands' mean 'pins and needles' Louie buddy ? I am irritated by a similar ache. "she who must be obeyed" (retired nurse) believes I have carpel tunnel. Google it and try the exercises recommended.

Padded gloves essential - good ones


Senior Member
It could also be that the bike is a little "long" for you, so you're riding with locked-out straight arms and a too much (proportionally) of your weight going through your hands onto the bars.
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