Numb Fingers?!?

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New Member
I've just got a new bike for a trip to mexico i'm doing next year and from the outset, after about 5k i start getting pins and needles in my hands and fingers. It came with flat bars so i changed them to risers (even though i've ran flats for years on my old Marin) but still the same? I've resorted to bar ends so i can at least move my hands around to relieve the discomfort. Any one had similar problems? HELP!!:biggrin:


Legendary Member


New Member
Cheers Rigid, i did spot that thread after i listed this one! I've tried most of the things already and the setup is good, maybe the new frame geometry just doesn't suit me.


Legendary Member
Bar ends on risers are considered the ultimate style gaffe but don't let that stop you trying to find what suits you!

You are using padded gloves, aren't you?


New Member
Yeah, I have always worn gloves and i was really pleased with my current pair b4 the new bike so it can't be them. I've been using bar ends for a few days now and its a lot better, not cured but at least i can move about!
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