If you are finding it scary (which it can be) then ride a few races just for experience - get a view from further back the field. The first lap - actually the first bend - is usually the worst so stay back and just keep out of trouble until you feel more confident. Instead, ride your own race, try to stay with those who ride a similar pace to you. Practise your dismounts a lot and make sure you arrive at a race with plenty of time to scope the course. 3 laps should be enough - ride them at a good steady pace but not too fast. If, during practice, there is a section that you are not sure about then peel off and try it again. Tyre pressure is a personal thing and also dictated by conditions. I did a bone dry race at the weekend with tyres at 80psi. Later on in the season when I'm riding through thick mud and wet grass they'll be half that.
Stick at it mate. It's a top sport and great fun. Just beware those starts and practise the techical stuff.