Novice Londoner

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Paul Redefined

Hi folks,

My name is Paul, i live in South East London and I'm a novice cyclist. I bought a new (to me) Hybrid, a 2009 Trek 7.3fx and i'm loving it. I haven't cycled for years and it feels like it. i went out yesterday for my first 'proper' ride since buying the bike last week, it was only 7km but it felt great!

Today, I went up to the city (well Blackfriars, from Honor Oak Park) it was a round trip of around 21km. Not bad going for only my second ride, i loved it, loved being out there but my bum, jeez, it

Cycling near the city was an eye opener, even in the cycling routes. I'm a novice cyclist but not a novice road user, especially in the city after being a motorcycle courier for some 15 years(ex courier, now i run my own little handyman company in se23) so have some decent road craft but it seemed like i was invisible at times. i thought it was bad on mechanical two wheels.

Anyway, not here to moan, it's something i will get used to i guess. I'm here to say hi and i look forward to being an active member of the forums.

If there are any other novices around the Forest Hill/Honor Oak/Dulwich area that would like to meet up for rides, I'd be happy to tag along!

forgot to add, on Strava my name is Paul Redefined. Be great to have some friends to add for help/encouragement/laughs etc


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome to CC :welcome: . your'e bum will hurt for a while. Get yourself some padded shorts. They will help.
There's tips to being more visible when cycling. Plenty of advice on these forums or cyclecraft is an excellent book.

Garry A

:welcome:From Scotland.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Welcome to CC and welcome back to cycling!
A short training course on cycling road craft will help immensely ime :hello:
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