noob starter kit.

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jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Those who know me will know that I ride a bit...a fair bit actually. So I consider myself and experienced and capable rider.


I know next to nothing about how bikes work...or rather I did up untill about 6 months ago when I started to teach myself. I am both practical and mechanically minded and enjoy working on the bike...very much

I am now happy (and do every Saturday) to fettle with my bike and undertake essentials such as trimming brakes, whipping off the rear cassette for a good clean and lube, cleaning down the drivechain and mechs, trimming the indexing (rarely and with a little fear), swapping out spokes and trueing wheels (to a fashion).

So I wonder, are there some "essential" tools I should really have in my workshop?

What are the most useful that you can recommend.

Scilly Suffolk

Über Member
This page from Mickle's Cyclorama is a good start.

As for cycling specific tools, I just buy them on an "as and when needed" basis to spread the cost and avoid buying what I won't use.


North Essex
As earlier stated, buy what you need when you need it. That, of course, depends on you being close to a bike shop. Over the course of a year or so you should end up with pretty much everything you are going to need. As my LBS is run by a troll however, so I have just got what I wanted over the net. It's fair to say that you tend to get what you pay for, cheaper end tools just dont do it, especially when you are working on equipment thats expensive to replace. And yes, a workstand is almost a requirment rather than a luxury, at least if you value your back and knees..:cursing:
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