I've just returned from a four day family visit which involved no cycling. I realised yesterday that I had no ache I am my legs at all. This is a first since I bought the bike 3 months ago. In the short time I've been cycling, I've allowed time for recovery but always felt at least a little pain.
I went out for a 21 mile ride on (I'm a recovering fatty,no sniggering) today and it felt good. I managed to shave best part of 5mins off my quickest time for this route and probably could have went faster. I've read on here about the importance of recovery time but not really appreciated the impact it could have.
Staying off the bike for four days is hard and I don't necessarily advocate this but I would advise a bit of down time for recovering fatties and the super unfit (I belong to both these groups).
I went out for a 21 mile ride on (I'm a recovering fatty,no sniggering) today and it felt good. I managed to shave best part of 5mins off my quickest time for this route and probably could have went faster. I've read on here about the importance of recovery time but not really appreciated the impact it could have.
Staying off the bike for four days is hard and I don't necessarily advocate this but I would advise a bit of down time for recovering fatties and the super unfit (I belong to both these groups).