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Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
Hello. Discovered this site after getting bored of cycling forums elsewhere. So much more here!

Have lurked a bit, posted a few times, but haven't introduced myself until now.

Okay, so I'm a mid-40s family man. Two kids (9 and 6 at the time of writing, 2015), so I'm constantly tired, bewildered at the outflow of money, and don't get time to cycle as much as I'd like. My annual miles are measured in the hundreds rather than the thousands.

I live on the lower slopes of Ranmore in the Surrey Hills, South-East England, so I like some occasional off road cycling, by I've recently rediscovered road cycling. I did a night time London to Brighton a year ago and loved the experience, and have applied for the 2016 London Surrey 100. However my typical ride is only 10-20 miles, so I'll need a fair bit of training.

My main bike is a steel 80s Holdsworth Special, which seems to suit me fine; I couldn't justify spending a fortune on a new carbon fibre toy.


Disenchanted Member
West Yorkshire
Welcome "lazybloke", a familiar sounding story re the bike and family, have you thought about joining a local ctc or similar to get out on your bike more?


Priest of the cult of Chris Rea
Leafy Surrey
have you thought about joining a local ctc or similar to get out on your bike more?

The rigid timetable of club rides would no be good for marital harmony, I have to grab rides whenever the opportunity arises, sometimes in antisocial hours.

I wrote elsewhere about discovering night riding last year - it's wonderful. Haven't done much this year, but I'm intending to join the "Friday Night Ride to the Coast" in 2016. Will probably only do 3 of their rides at most, but looking forward do it. My other half is very supportive the idea too!
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