Newbie power cable question

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Über Member
Hi all,

New to the forum as I have taken up cycling to get fit and have a bit of fun at the weekends. I bought a Giant Yukon MTB a month ago and love it, I do a lot of road riding but love to get off road as well so thought that would be my best bet.

Now my question is.... I do a circuit at the moment and it take me under a power line. Nothing strange there I here you say. The problem is when i go under it in one direction its fine but when i go back the other way i get shocked. At first it was just like a little static shock in my left hand then got a bit more then last night got worse and managed to shock my errrrrr betty swollocks. When i go under other lines its fine its just this one in one direction. Anyone else ever had this problem?


New Member
Beside the road
Errrrm, No.

My computer used to give odd readings though. - Max speed 99mph!
I've never come across this ELL. Maybe a letter to the electricity company so that they check it out. Like Redbike, I've had my HR monitor go weird on occassion but have noted no pattern to it.

Can you change your route?


Insanity Prawn Boy
RedBike said:
Errrrm, No.

My computer used to give odd readings though. - Max speed 99mph!

You mean you've never made the ton on your bike? Slowcoach...

This sounds as though there's something really stupid happening to do with the induced field round the cables and the way you're riding, or the amount of lycra you're wearing, or that kite you will insist on flying, or something.

If the bike's taking a charge and zapping you, try drawing a line or two down each tyre from rim to tread with a soft pencil.


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
Just wondering whether the electric shock has more to do with the amount of time you've been riding or the speed you're travelling rather than the direction. Could be related to how much you're sweating. Alternately, maybe the air rushing past the bike is causing a static charge which has nowhere to go because of the rubber tyres and the electric discharge is proportional to the amount of static build up. Maybe you should earth your swollocks or start using lead underwear.:blush:
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