Newbie from Millom, Cumbria

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Well-Known Member
Recent convert to cycling after retiring from playing rugby and wanting to get fit after a few seasons off doing nothing apart from tasting real ale. Needed to do something low impact on the knees so got a bike through the cycle to work scheme. I must admit I am now caught up in it all and really enjoy it. I have started probably like most people with a MTB, then got a bit fitter and bought some road tyres, got fed up changing the tyres on and off so bought a flat bar hybrid, now looking at progressing to a drop handlebar road bike.
Trying to build up the miles and love the area where I live, although every direction I go means contending with a hill !!!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris


Hello and :welcome:,Much the same background as me!Although,its a long time since I played rugby at Millom[actually,its more than a few years since I played rugby!]but I understand the knee problems,I was a scrum-half and big lads kept jumping up and down on me!- a lot of them were West Cumbrians^_^ There seem to be a few Cumbrians knocking around here so youre in good company.Whatever bike you have,enjoy it,you live in a grand spot, especially,as you say for hills,so just think how fit you ll be.:thumbsup:


Hi and welcome to the forums
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