Newb from Cambridge

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Hi all,
My names Tim I'm 28 and from Cambridge. Just ordered my first proper road bike and can't wait to start riding it.
Any Strava fans out there?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hello. Welcome to CC. There are a lot of people here who use strava. I'm sure some of them will be along soon to say hi. :welcome:


Itching to get back on my bike's
Hi all,
My names Tim I'm 28 and from Cambridge. Just ordered my first proper road bike and can't wait to start riding it.
Any Strava fans out there?
so what have you ordered ?


Legendary Member
There are several Cambridge cyclists on here and many Strava-ites although I don't know how many are both. But I do know that Cambridge has its fair share of Strava fans, so on or off this forum you'll be in good company.
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